1961 - 2000 Mexico Mission Work
1964 - Mission to Berlin, Germany (with Ottis Gatewood)
1997- Tallin & Tartu, Estonia and 1st trip to Russia (LST)
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2013- St Petersburg, Gatchina & Lomonosov, Russia (Character Counts, LST, Childrens Camps, and ITCM)
1998, 1999, 2008 Gatchina & Lomonosov
1998 Barnaul, Russia (Character Counts w/ Lubbock Christian University)
1999, 2000 Moscow, Russia (Character Counts w/ Lubbock Christian University)
2000 Donest'k Ukraine (Character Counts w/ Lubbock Christian University
2013 - St Petersburg, Russia
In conjunction with the ITCM seminar for Missional Outreach, I taught ladies' classes at 7 PM each evening (August 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) and Sunday Morning August 4 for 1.5 hours each session.
Sessions were entitled (Resource Links Here Soon):
- August 1: Indentity in the Kingdom - Who are you?
- August 2: Indentity in the Kingdom - Disciples are Missionaries
- We are on a daily mission if we are followers of Christ.
- Resources: Multiply Series
- August 3: Indentity in the Kingdom - How to make disciples
- Resources:
- August 4: Raising Children in the Lord, Part 1
- August 5: Raising Children in the Lord, Part 2
- August 6: Building Christian Relationships
The ITCM seminar (Photo)
Follow ITCM on Facebook (photo and write up) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Institute-of-Theology-and-Christian-Ministry/207275675949337?id=207275675949337&sk=photos_stream#!/photo.php?fbid=639447779398789&set=pb.207275675949337.-2207520000.1376260943.&type=3&theater
Photos Seminar Teachers (American): Joy Rousseau, Tyler, TX; Phil Jackson and Jay Jarboe of Mission Resource Network and Royce Money of Abilene Christian University.
Natasha & Yana
Gave this student a marked Bible (Lena)
Irina, Julia, Luka, Anya, Natasha, Elina, Women in the Word
Neva Church service: Constantine Leads Singing
Anya, my student from 2008 & Zhenya (with my grand baby :-)
Julia, my student from 2008
Konstantin (Kostya), Song Writer & Leader & wife, Lina
Igor, Director of ITCM & wife, Natasha
Sergei & Natasha Brylina from Chelyabinsk
Sergei, Technical Ministry
Historian, Marina Sergeiovnah takes us on a tour of Restoration Movement in St Petes over the last 250 years.
Group from ACU, Tyler, Alabama, etc.
Beautiful City of St Petersburg, Russia
Host Family
Donna, Yana, Davidka, Joel, and Pasha Petty
Thank you!
Visit to Donna's Family Daucha (idyllic!) and had a lovely talk with her monther, an Orthodox Christian, as she had been reading Acts 8. We enjoyed home grown food and conversation. How blessed!
Returned to Pushkin just to see if it was as beautiful as I had remembered from 1997. Yep!